Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate U.S.P. 150mg
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is a small ester based anabolic steroid, and many people refer to it as NPP. It is often used by athletes during a bulking cycle. It is one of the best choices for helping with increasing muscle mass .

Nandrolone is one of the most popular anabolic steroids to ever be created and has been a staple among performance enhancing athletes of all types since its inception. It is also one of the few anabolic steroids that has remained prominent in medical circles and is highly valued in many therapeutic fields.
Nandrolone was first developed in 1950 and made available worldwide in 1962 by Organon in the form of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate under the trade name Durabolin.
The Nandrolone hormone can be attached to any ester but is most commonly found attached to the Decanoate and Phenylpropionate ester. Nandrolone is well known for being one of the best off-season bulking agents for steroid users. It is also a favorite among athletes for its healing and recovery benefits. Because of its tremendous therapeutic benefits Nandrolone is used in many areas of medicine.
Nandrolone carries a relatively potent anabolic rating, slightly greater than testosterone. The lessened androgenic activity of Nandolone Decanoate is due to the hormone’s ability to reduce to dihydronandrolone (DHN) rather than dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This makes Nandrolone a much milder steroid than testosterone, and one of the most well-tolerated anabolic steroids for healthy adult men.
Side effects
Nandrolone has a low tendency for estrogen conversion, estimated to be only about 200% of that seen with testosterone. This is because while the liver can convert nandrolone to estradiol, in other more active sites of steroid aromatization such as adipose tissue nandrolone is far less open to this process. Elevated estrogen levels may still be noticed with higher dosing, however, and may cause side effects such as increased water retention, body fat gain, and gynecomastia. An anti-estrogen such as clomiphene citrate or tamoxifen citrate may be necessary to prevent estrogenic side effects if they occur. Many 19-nor anabolic steroids are shown to have some affinity for the progesterone receptor as well. The side effects associated with progesterone are similar to those of estrogen.
The usual dosage for physique or performance-enhancing purposes is the range of 200-300mg per week, taken in cycles 10 to 12 weeks in length. This level is sufficient for most users to notice measurable gains in lean muscle mass and strength.